He was always Rick to me. I did ask his mum once why, as a little boy and having been called Leon for the first few years of his life, her and his dad began to call him Rick or Ricky. I'd assumed it was from his middle name of Richard, but she looked surprised and said oh no....it was he because he was the spitting image of the little blond boy called Ricky that featured in a children's programme at the time called "Circus Boy"!
He was a very clever man and a very deep thinker. Sometimes he worried a bit too much about certain things. I'm not sure if he ever found out if we have free will or not.
He got a place at a university after getting good results at school but wasn't really confident to take up the place, opting instead to go to work as an analytical chemist in the chocolate factory where he did a day release course at the City College to study to degree level in science. He did tell me once that he had really wanted to be a social worker though...
We had two lovely daughters who he absolutely loved to bits, and in turn two lovely grandchildren. He loved so many activities and days out with them. In fact he enjoyed any involvement with children be it running a youth club, helping at a children's home or in schools. Or just getting involved, believing that children were infinitely more sensible than many adults could ever be.
He once told me he wanted to live until he was 104. I'm not sure why 104 specifically, but how absolutely cruel to be taken at only 73.
R.I.P. Rick/Leon
2nd April 2021